Old Fashion Cany With Design in the Middle

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12 Weird Curt Forms Of Popular Names That Brand You Become "Huh?"

How is Polly is short for Mary?!

one. Dick = Richard


Going dorsum to the Eye Ages, there weren't that many first names even so. And so many people were named Richard that everyone needed nicknames to tell i another apart. Richard was shortened to Rick, so people would rhyme it with something else to become an entirely new name — and so Rick became Dick. (And so the modern tendency of being dirty little pervs meant that anybody today giggles when they hear of a guy named Dick.)

ii. Nib = William


William was too a popular name in the Centre Ages, then many nicknames were built-in. It was shortened to Volition, which turned into Bill. Rhyming nicknames strike again!

3. Nancy = Ann


Why is the brusque form of Ann (or Anne) actually longer than the original name? People used to employ the affectionate phrase "mine Ann," which eventually turned into "my Nan." Nickname trends of the fourth dimension also had people adding "-cy" to the ends of name, which is how Ann evolved into Nancy.

Fun fact: This means that sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson, members of the band Centre, were kind of named the aforementioned matter.

4. Ted and Ned = Edward


Yep, you lot've got it: "Mine Ed" turned into "my Ned."

Every bit for Ted, but as Richard and William were popular names, Edward was a very mutual name that required nicknames to exist created. With names that starting time with vowels, people often added an like shooting fish in a barrel-to-pronounce consonant, so Ed became Ted.

5. Nellie = Helen


Yep, Nellie is similar to Ned and Nancy. Since, depending on your accent, the H in Helen might be silent or hard to say, it was dropped and "mine Helen" turned into "my Nell" and and then into "my Nellie."

6. Daisy and Peggy = Margaret


It seems like there should be a long explanation for Daisy, but it'southward equally simple as this: The French give-and-take for "daisy" is "marguerite."

As for Peggy? Well, Margaret was shorted to nicknames like Meg or Meggy, and the rhyming nickname trend turned Meggy into Peggy.

8. Polly = Mary


First off, we have another case of the letter R being replaced by ii 50's. Then, the natural development of language turned Mary into Molly. And yes, more rhyming occurred, turning Molly into Polly.

ix. Hank = Henry

10. Jack = John


They have the aforementioned number of messages! How does that save whatsoever fourth dimension? There are multiple theories about this nickname, just hither's the well-nigh likely one: Back in the 11th and twelfth centuries, the Normans would have pronounced "John" as "Jen." They also added "-kin" to the ends of names as nicknames. So, Jen turned into Jenkin, which eventually turned into Jakin, and finally into Jack.

xi. Chuck = Charles


12. Buffy = Elizabeth


In that location aren't even whatsoever F's in "Elizabeth"! Come on! But in this case, it'south a nickname based on how a child might pronounce the final syllable — Elizabeth becomes Beth, which becomes Vitrify, and then becomes Buffy. (And then, yes, the full title of the evidence should accept been Elizabeth the Vampire Slayer.)

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